Making soccer
Fun, Accessible, Meaningful, & Lifelong.


Rotary Soccer Park
200 Soccer Way
Smyrna, TN 37167

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 1334
Smyrna, TN 37167

Where We Play


Rotary Soccer Park
200 Soccer Way
Smyrna, TN 37167

Park Rules

  • All spectators should remain outside the fences or on the hill at Field 3. All spectators should remain on the cart path or at the concession seating area on Fields 7 & 8. In the interest of player development and conserving training space each night, we ask that spectators watch from a safe distance rather than sitting around the field like they will do on game day. If you’re not a coach, you do not need to be on the field once training has begun.

  • Spectators should sit on the OPPOSITE side of the field as the teams, coaches, and referees. Sitting on the same side as the players, coaches, and referees will not be permitted. Sitting behind the goals is prohibited, as well.

  • We have two designated lots. One as you enter on Soccer Way by Field 6, 7, & 8. The larger lot is a little further on Soccer Way by Fields 1–5. Occasionally parking is allowed in our neighbors’s lots, but park at your own risk. Please, also, only park in painted/labeled parking spaces. Our ability to get people in and out of our facility is greatly hampered when people park in undesignated places.

  • Smoking and vaping is prohibited on or near the fields at Rotary Soccer Park. This includes inside the fence areas and along the fence lines. Please be mindful of children and others in the area and help us keep the park clean by properly disposing of cigarette butts and related waste.

  • Pets are welcome at the Rotary Soccer Park but ARE NOT allowed inside the fences. This is true for practice nights and game days.

  • Make sure to leave any valuables at home or take them with you when you head to the fields. Theft in parking areas at athletic events is on the rise in our area. Please exercise caution when leaving anything in the back of your truck or visible in your vehicles.

  • Please make every effort to keep your practice and game areas clean as you leave each day/night.

  • We have a lost and found box in the side room of the meeting room building. Access to it will be available on Saturdays or anytime the building is open.

Building a soccer community of diverse, ambitious, and disciplined players, families, and coaches. Through positive coaching, positive play, and relentless determination; we aim to enrich the lives of young people. 

Develop lifelong soccer players, fans, families, & enthusiasts.

Have Fun


Create a culture of
accountability & selflessness.

Core Values

Commit to

Bridge the gap socially,
culturally, & competitively.

Be Willing
to Fail

Compete for today &
develop for the future.

Give More
than You Get

Foundations of Our Soccer Environment

Sportsmanship Respect Family Character


Matthew Upton

Josh Stone

Cesar Salinas


Marco DelaRosa

Hugo Alamos

Robb Garman

Board of Directors

Abe Scraggins

Eric Drake


Tommy Williams – Director of Coaching

Jamonn Brady – Technical Director

Jessica Owens – Admin Assistant

Michael “Sully” Sullivan – Board President

Rusty Boguskie – VP of Facilities

Adam Bozman – VP of Players

Robert Cope – Treasurer

Amanda Bratcher – Secretary

Ricky Holder – Director of Recreational Coaches Coordination

Kaleigh Cope – Director of Uniforms

Stephen Shirley – Director of Referees

Josh Jordan – Director of Fields

Michelle Wright – Director of Sponsors

Joe Ndiaye – Director of Adult Soccer

Tommy Sneed – Director of Introductory Programs