2023 Fall Rec Week 3 Newsletter
We’ve been on quite a roll with great soccer weather the last few weeks. We certainly hope that trend continues. We have a couple of really important announcements to share this week. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Our Mission
Make Soccer Fun, Accessible, Meaningful, and Lifelong.
Match Week 4 Games
Saturday, September 30
Ripples & Make-up Picture Day Information
All Ripples participants should report to the fields at their scheduled start times. The group will walk over for pictures together.
Makeup team or individual pictures are on an as-needed basis. If you do need a picture to be retaken, please make plans to have the players/groups there before 11:00am.
Pictures are taken, ordered, and handled through D-Image. They will process your orders and ship directly to your home.
Parents can view/select picture packages and prepay with D-Image via this short link: srfc.soccer/f23pics. When you follow the link, it will prompt you to enter an email address. As soon as you enter an address, it opens packages that are specific to our program with the picture company.
Playing Time and Specialization
All players must play at least 50% of the match on game days. No player should play any more than 1 half or 2 quarters at any position. This includes goalkeepers.
Coaches, please remember that you are experience-makers. Let’s make sure those experiences are good ones. The primary goal in recreational soccer is to make and keep the game fun. Joysticking players and shouting for the duration of the match does not lead to a positive experience for anyone involved. Shouting at players repeatedly and/or constantly will not improve player or team performance and will not be tolerated at our club.
Fall Break
Parents, please let your coaches know if you are not going to be available this week due to Fall Break. We will have games both weekends on each side of it.
Coaches, if you know on the front end that you are going to be short players for your game(s), please let us know so we can work with you to come up with a plan. Please do NOT simply cancel the games. If YOU can NOT make your game(s), please reach out to us so we can come up with a plan for a fill-in. Lastly, if you plan to cancel training this week, because of plans you may have, that is certainly fine. Just please communicate that to your team/group.
DA Parents, we will have practice on Wednesday ONLY next week. There will be no DA practice on Monday night.
Sideline Project
We are excited to announce a new partnership with TN Soccer and Soccer Parenting. It involves an initiative called the Sideline Project. It is a short 15-minute instructional course meant to improve the quality of the game environment on matchdays. TN Soccer has created a competition format that will allow Stones River to go head-to-head with other clubs. The competition is simple. Who can get the most parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and spectators to take the short survey and course?
The competition officially kicks off Thursday, September 28.
Click the button above to participate or go to srfc.soccer/sideline.
Fill out the registration form and click on “Take the Course”
Once you have registered for the course, your first name, and our Club name, will be posted to the Pledge Wall found at the bottom of the page.
Check back throughout the competition to see the progress of each club and how many of our families are taking the Pledge to improve the gameday experiences for everyone.
You will only receive credit for the course if you complete it.
Playmetrics App
If you have not already done so, please download the Playmetrics App. Use the same login information you used to register your player to sign in to the app. The app allows you to see game and practice schedules and chatting with your team. Having the app will also help keep you updated in real time should field status or schedules change. stonesriverfc.org/playmetrics
Player Drop-Off / Pick-Up
Please do not park or idle near the fence exits or cart paths at the facility unless you’re in a designated parking space. Turning on your flashers does not make your personal vehicle an emergency vehicle. Hundreds of families are trying to get in and out of our facility each night. Blocking these points of entry and the flow of traffic should not be considered an option.
Please Secure Items in the Parking Lot
Make sure to leave any valuables at home or take them with you when you head to the fields. Theft in parking areas at athletic events is on the rise in our area. Please exercise caution when leaving anything in the back of your truck or visible in your vehicles.
Help Us Keep the Park Clean
Please make every effort to keep your practice and game areas clean as you leave each day/night.
Pet Policies
Pets are welcome at the Rotary Soccer Park but ARE NOT allowed inside the fences. This is true for practice nights and game days.
Please only park in painted/labeled parking spaces. Our ability to get people in and out of our facility is greatly hampered when people park in undesignated places.
Lost and Found
We have a lost and found box in the side room of the meeting room building. Access to it will be available on Saturdays or anytime the building is open.