2023 Fall Rec Week 5 Newsletter
Our Mission
Make Soccer Fun, Accessible, Meaningful, and Lifelong.
Match Week 5 Games
Saturday, October 14
Spring 2024 Recreational Registration
Registration for our Spring recreational season will open on Saturday, October 21. You can register online and we will also have in-person registration set up at the park on October 21 & 28.
Canned Food Drive
In conjunction with the Town of Smyrna Christmas Parade, SRFC will be taking part in a canned food drive the last 3 weekends of recreational games. Any nonperishable food items can be dropped off at the meeting room on Saturdays during recreational games.
Christmas Parade Float
We will be taking part in the Smyrna Christmas Parade this year. It will take place on December 3. If you are interested in helping design and/or build the float, please email Jesse Aguirre at jaguirre2783@gmail.com
Friendship Cup
Tennessee State Soccer Association (TSSA) puts on a tournament each year for recreational teams wishing to play beyond our regular season. Teams can be whole SRFC recreational teams or a combination of players from multiple teams. Anyone interested in being part of this event should let us know of your interest at admin@stonesriverfc.org.
The event will be held in Franklin this year November 11–12. Entry fees are listed below. Please do not reach out to TSSA to register. Anyone interested should reach out to our admin at the email listed above.
U6-U8 (4v4): $340.00
U9-U10 (7v7): $450.00
U11-U12 (9v9): $530.00
U13-U15 (11v11): $610.00
U16-U18 (11v11): $635.00
MS/HS (7v7 no offside): $475.00
BJ’s Wholesale Club Partnership
In partnership with BJ’s Wholesale, we have a great offer for new members to BJ’s. You can join BJ’s Club Card Membership for only $25. It’s regularly $55. You will get a $10 reward and Stones River FC will get up to $10 for every new customer or renewal.
It’s a WIN-WIN.
To join or renew, call 800-313-8887 and use the group promo code 300356.
The offer has been extended to October 15, 2023
Sideline Project
We are currently #11 in the state in % of participation. And we can be #1 with your help!
We are excited to announce a new partnership with TN Soccer and Soccer Parenting. It involves an initiative called the Sideline Project. It is a short 15-minute instructional course meant to improve the quality of the game environment on matchdays. TN Soccer has created a competition format that will allow Stones River to go head-to-head with other clubs. The competition is simple. Who can get the most parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and spectators to take the short survey and course?
The competition officially kicked off Thursday, September 28.
Click the button above to participate or go to srfc.soccer/sideline.
Fill out the registration form and click on “Take the Course”
Once you have registered for the course, your first name, and our Club name, will be posted to the Pledge Wall found at the bottom of the page.
Check back throughout the competition to see the progress of each club and how many of our families are taking the Pledge to improve the gameday experiences for everyone.
You will only receive credit for the course if you complete it.
Spectators During Practices
All spectators should remain outside the fences or on the hill at Field 3. All spectators should remain on the cart path or at the concession seating area on Fields 7 & 8. In the interest of player development and conserving training space each night, we ask that spectators watch from a safe distance rather than sitting around the field like they will do on game day. If you’re not a coach, you do not need to be on the field once training has begun.
Spectators During Games
Spectators should sit on the OPPOSITE side of the field as the teams, coaches, and referees. Sitting on the same side as the players, coaches, and referees will not be permitted. Sitting behind the goals is prohibited, as well.
Please Secure Items in the Parking Lot
Make sure to leave any valuables at home or take them with you when you head to the fields. Theft in parking areas at athletic events is on the rise in our area. Please exercise caution when leaving anything in the back of your truck or visible in your vehicles.
Help Us Keep the Park Clean
Please make every effort to keep your practice and game areas clean as you leave each day/night.
Pet Policies
Pets are welcome at the Rotary Soccer Park but ARE NOT allowed inside the fences. This is true for practice nights and game days.
Smoking Policies
Smoking and vaping is prohibited on or near the fields at Rotary Soccer Park. This includes inside the fence areas and along the fence lines. Please be mindful of children and others in the area and help us keep the park clean by properly disposing of cigarette butts and related waste.
Please only park in painted/labeled parking spaces. Our ability to get people in and out of our facility is greatly hampered when people park in undesignated places.
Lost and Found
We have a lost and found box in the side room of the meeting room building. Access to it will be available on Saturdays or anytime the building is open.