Skills Challenge

Juggling 1st Touch Passing Dribbling Shooting Shot Speed

July 28, 2023 at the Rotary Soccer Park

Compare your individual skill level to your teammates and your skill level from one season to the next season.

Rules and scoring listed below.

Awards will be given to the players in each division with the best total score from all 6 challenges. The divisions will be based on a male and female category for each 7v7, 9v9, and 11v11 group.

Juggling Rules

Each player will be given 1 minute to juggle the ball. Points be awarded for each consecutive touch on the ball without the ball touching the grass. 1 point will be awarded for the first juggle, 2 points will be awarded for the second juggle, 3 points for the third juggle, and so on. 20 juggles maximum will be scored.

  • 1 juggle = 1 point

  • 2 consecutive juggles
    1+2 = 3 points

  • 3 consecutive juggles
    1+2+3 = 6 points

  • 4 consecutive juggles
    1+2+3+4 = 10 points

  • 5 consecutive juggles
    1+2+3+4+5 = 15 points

  • n juggles = n/2 x (n+1) points

20 juggles max
Max Points = 210

The highest number of juggles will be scored.

Dribbling Rules

Each player will be timed while dribbling a ball through a series of gates. If a gate is knocked over as the ball is passing through the gates then the player will lose 1 point for each side of the gate that is knocked over. Points will be awarded based on how fast the course is completed as shown below. (240 seconds – course time) + 72 – (any gates that were knocked over) = player’s score.

Max Points = 312

1st Touch Rules

Each player will toss 9 balls at least over their head height and points will be awarded based on how well the player controls the ball. Points will be awarded based on which marked circle the ball lands in as shown below. The player can use any part of their body to control the ball except their hands. The player cannot touch the ball again after the ball has touched the ground. The marked line is part of the smaller circle for scoring.

Max Points = 135

Shooting Rules

Each player will have 1 ball to shoot from the penalty spot and 12 balls to shoot from the 18 yard line. Balls will be shot towards a goal with a net. Points will be awarded based on the diagram below.

Max Points = 130

Passing Rules

Each player will have 12 balls to pass into 4 small goals from a center circle. Points will be awarded based on the ball being passed into the goals as shown in the diagram below with the goals that are further from the player worth more points.

Max Points = 288

Shot Speed Rules

Each player will have 6 balls to shoot at a target and the speed of the ball will be measured. 3 of the balls have to be shot with the player’s left foot and 3 of the balls have to be shot with the player’s right foot. Points will be awarded based on the highest measured speed of the ball in miles/hour for each of the player’s feet.

Max Points = 99/Foot